Back...with the Rum Diaries

Well....I'm back, blogging again, after a failed attempt at doing so back in November. I'll try and change it up a bit now though - just share the craziness that is my life; I do enough idiotic stuff to keep the internet busy.

Case in point: my best friend Ben and I have been talking about making our own rum for months now, and it seems to finally be coming to fruition.

*Note: for legal purposes, I'll point out that we're not selling, or EVER intending to sell it, just making it for our own pure stupid goodness. We needed a project.

Now that that's out of the way - here's how the idea got started...

Back in November, Michelle (my girlfriend) was going to St. Lucia for her brothers "wedding", and she asked me what she should bring back for me - I asked for a bottle of rum. Not one of those refined Caribbean rums, but the dirtiest 'only in St. Lucia' rums. Boy did she deliver!!! Here's what she brought me...

Notice that the label was printed on an inkjet printer, and the bottle is re-used from a commercial brand rum. I swear she bought this from some guy on the beach! Anyway, she brought it home, and it was the most delicious rum I've ever had - Ben and I drank it over a few Christmas drinks - and I don't know what kind of vegetation is in that bottle, but it made it something special.

So we do we re-create this? and we looked up recipes...but then we took it a step further....and thought - "why not just make our own rum?". A few months later, and one homemade guidebook later - our pipe dream is becoming a reality....

Our guidebook
I'll post a full blog about the process and how it turned out sometime this weekend once we get things going, but here's a little sneak peak...

Ben - the mad scientist.

We're nuts right? I won't even argue with you, because it's fun as hell...

0 thoughts: