Today is the first day of the rest of my li---well, maybe not life, but year? or maybe couple of years? Meh, anyway, today was the first day of commuting to work, and I'll be completely honest with you, it didn't start out on the best of notes. Since it's late in the month, I had to get a weekly pass this week, until the start of the new month - so last night, Michelle and I ventured out, with no luck at all. First store - sold out. Second store - doesn't carry weekly passes. The station - only cash, which I had none of (to be fair, Michelle warned me, but I didn't listen).
So a night of being in a bad mood later, I bought my pass in the morning, and once I had it in my hand, the excitement was back.
My first TTC pass and my terribly ugly Mississauga Transit or MiWay (for the new school peeps) tickets. |
For some reason that I don't really understand, I've always wanted to commute to work via the subway, albeit I always imagined it would be going INTO Toronto, and not out of, but I digress. I was finally getting on the subway to go to work. Armed with my PSP, several NES and N64 ROMS, and music, I was prepared for even the most horribly delayed subway ride - but it was smooth. In about half an hour I was at Islington, where I knew my ride was going to slow down and face traffic (busses are the devil...).
Despite travelling probably 1/3 of the distance I came on the subway, the bus ride still took me about 45 minutes, something that I definitely need to figure out how to reduce if I hope to stay sane in the long run. I should mention that I DID take a route other than the one that was suggested by Google, Mississauga Transit AND all of my coworkers - but I couldn't resist, THIS bus was there!
Busses suck... |
Subways don't |
Regardless though, I made it to work pretty well on time, and aside from reducing my carbon footprint, I'll be saving about $200.00 a month by not driving, which isn't too shabby. If you want to see how that's possible, see my previous blog post
So I'll keep trekking, and we'll keep unpacking - I'll update you all on that later, I just wanted to post on my commute while it's fresh in my mind.
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