
Today is a big day - well - actually there's been a series of big days in the last week, and it will all culminate next week, but today is just as big a day as any of the others. I guess I have to explain that now...

As you might know from several of my recent blog posts, Michelle and I have been thinking about moving downtown, or at least to Toronto. She bought a condo in East York, but it won't be finished until early next year, and if we ever want to feel like real adults, we knew we had to move earlier. SO we found a place. That's the short version.

Last Wednesday, we went to see an apartment (3 in the same low-rise building actually) at Pape and put it into perspective, the condo Michelle bought is being built at Cosburn and Donlands. You can literally see the crane from this place of where the condo is being built.

The original definitely didn't look as promising as it turned out
to be.

We saw three apartments - two slightly smaller (although small is relative) places, and one larger place. We didn't notice a huge difference in the three except for their locations in the building, so we decided to put an application in for one of the smaller ones that was on the Southeast corner of the building. It was being refinished, and was a bit of a mess still, but it had HUGE windows (like the other units we saw) and was in the right location.

Fast forward four days and a trip up North later, and we come home to an email from the landlord thanking us for being patient and offering us an apartment - just not the one we applied for. The larger unit was the one she was hoping we'd take...and although it wasn't our first choice, all of the good beat out the negatives and we decided to take it.

So fast forward again to today, when we'll be giving our last month's rent and officially signing the lease to move in.....NEXT WEEK! It's definitely fast, but what you don't know is that I've been silently packing for the last few weeks in anticipation that we'd find something for August 1 - a couple weeks extra (at no charge I might add) doesn't change things!

So here we are - caught up in the apartment hunting timeline to the present, and Michelle and I are officially moving in to our first place together....

I'm going to try my best to chronicle to move for a few reasons:

  •  It'll be my first time away from my parents (not that I'm's just worked out that way), 
  • I'll be moving to Toronto (I love Mississauga, and the suburbs, but I've always wanted to live in the city, and here's our chance), 
It's a shorter drive than it looks, but still...
  • I'll become a commuter (as per my earlier blog posts...I'm getting rid of my car, and using the TTC and zipcar)
Anyone need a car?
  • Michelle and I will be living together for the first time. 
So going forward, if you continue to read my blogs, you'll get to hear about the excitement, the struggles, and the growing up I suppose. It's going to be an experience...that's for sure.


So let's get to it....

All I have for you right now is some details about the place...and how life is going to change once we move...

The place is at Pape/Cosburn, which is just North of Pape subway station on the Danforth, and just West of where the condo is going to be built that we'll be living in later on (at Donlands and Cosburn).

It's a one-bedroom apartment in a three-floor, 17 unit low-rise, and although I don't have any pictures yet....all I can say is that the windows are HUGE. This maybe doesn't matter to you...but I've been living in a basement for the last 10 years, and don't remember what it's like to be woken up by natural light, for all I know, the sun rises at 2 AM.

I'll be seeing the place again tonight, so I'll take some pictures if I can.

A few things we've noticed over the last week or so...that other people looking to rent might like to know...Especially if you're moving to Toronto...

  1. Many landlords require you to get tenant's insurance which will be another cost on top of your rent. It's only about $20 a month, but that's still money out of your pocket.
  2. Rogers are crooks. We already knew that, but since we've been looking at cable prices, and realizing that there's no alternative to go to, we just shake our heads in disbelief. 
  3. There's always ways out of your lease (this is thanks to Michelle's knowledge). We were worried about signing a year long lease, since the condo will probably be done before then (although who knows...), but there are so many ways that you can break the agreement (legally!) that you shouldn't have to worry. Whether it be subletting, or giving enough notice, we're not worried.
  4. Zipcar is cheaper than Autoshare. Autoshare has a LOT more cars in the city, but their signup costs are more expensive and their membership fees are higher. If you have a Zipcar lot near you, go with them.

That's probably it for now...but there'll be much more to come....I'll keep you all posted...whether you like it or not :)


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