Anyway - there's something I feel like I NEED to write about...
This is what people have been spending time on... |
Toronto has been at it again - spending precious time arguing about something that may or may not be built in the city. The only good thing about the casino 'debate' has been that it's stopped the Ford brothers from trying to strike down the regional transit plan (again). That's another post though...
So, a casino huh? The numbers are in - a casino could bring in $100 M (a low estimate to be safe) on any given year - which doesn't include the jobs, tourism and money that will come into other businesses as a result.
It also doesn't include the influx of people that will require a boost in infrastructure ($), the money some other local businesses will lose (Woodbine, plus any convention centres that aren't called MGM).
So - what's the best way to go? For once, I agree with the Fords...and please don't think that I'm all of a sudden calling him a good mayor - but the man knows his finances. A casino in Toronto would bring amazing possiblities, and bring Toronto back to the world stage where it belongs. We've lagged too long in areas where we were once leaders, and it's time to catch up.
With Toronto growing exponentially - adding a facility like this is worth it for the jobs alone! People complain about condos, condos, condos - but those same people love the feeling of living in the city. People need places to live - and if you don't like it - then don't live here.
Caesars at the MTCC |
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MGM at the Exhibition grounds |
Now - there have been two main schools of thought (well - three - but I won't include the thoughts on having a casino outside of downtown) - MGM's Exhibition Place idea, and Caesar's MTCC idea. I will tell you, that although I like the way that the MTCC plan revitalizes a mainly weekday, business hours area, and uses existing convention space - building such a facility would be a MESS - and interfere with an already established tourist area (CN Tower,
So that leaves the Exhibition Place idea...I'm somewhat more involved with this one - my dad works for the city, and does all creative and design work for the CNE and most events on the Ex grounds - so I know it quite well. I know the space they have, I know how underused it is, and I know how badly people would like something more to do there. The infratructure is (somewhat) already there - there's a dedicated GO line to bring people in from out of town, there are two streetcar routes that go directly into the grounds, parking galore, bike routes to the South, and access via Lakeshore, the Gardiner and all surrounding streets is pretty simple. And that's WITHOUT any improvements that no doubt any new tenant would likely fund...
I digress though - people don't like it (people not living anywhere close...) because they think Toronto will turn into some sort of ceaspool of crime, gambling addiction, and we'd lose our identity. Basically - I think everyone thinks Toronto will turn into the old part of Vegas (which Michelle and I happen to have visited about a month ago). Anybody with common sense can see that this is ridiculous...Toronto doesn't want to be Vegas, we want the convention space and economic output from one, that's right ONE casino. Toronto HAS an identity, we are well established, and people know us for things like the CN Tower, our sports teams, our transit (woes) - and a casino won't change that.
THIS is Toronto's identity... |
Vegas was built around casinos - THAT'S their identity. How about Paris? Montreal? Chicago? London (England)? Did you know they have casinos? Yeah, they sure went to sh*t didn't they? These places utilized casinos as a tool to fund the city.
Oh, and gambling problems? Yeah, we already have those. Crime? That too. Those jobs people are worried about at Woodbine? Why don't we incorporate an off-track betting system and partner both up - it's simple.
Let's think of the big picture here - this is a moneymaker that WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY TO BUILD! If people don't want it - it won't be successful, bottom line, and then we go back. If it is though - it will guarantee the long term sustainability of the CNE (something that's been in doubt), improve transit (through the money to the city, as well as push from the owners of any casino to better travel people in), and give one more reason for people to visit.
All in all - I know that the casino will probably get shot down this year - only to surface again soon, and then again after that. Like I always say, Toronto is in a perpetual state of planning and arguing, rather than doing. If we ever expect to grow - we need to act fast - or we'll end up like old town Vegas anyway, only without anywhere to have fun...
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