Innnnnteresting: Useful Toronto Websites

There's a few websites that I thought I'd share - and selfishly archive on my blog so that I remember them in the future. I don't even know where I discovered half of them - some of them are courtest of, some I just learned about through the grapevine, but I think you'll all find them pretty useful, or at least fun, especially if you're in Toronto.
If you're anything like me, you'll spend a lot of time on this site for the first time - whether you live in Toronto or not (since it's not exclusive to it). When you head to the main page, type in your city and prepare to be amazed. This web-based mapping tool adds historical photos of any given area and overlays them onto a current version of Google's street view. You can adjust the transparency and really compare the area from then to now. Some are more fun than others, but it's definitely fun to find all of the landmarks that have been around forever - my favourite is Old City Hall in Toronto. Check it's free.

Almost like a Craigslist, but a lot less sketchy, and more useful community postings. A lot of free sharing of space and items, such as kitchens for cooking classes, gyms for playing sports, and drop in events. Need a drill? Someone has one they'll let you use for $1.00 a day - it's random I know, but guaranteed you'll find SOMETHING useful here.

Sort of like the graffiti app that was launched last year in Toronto, this is a website that any of you can go on to report problems around the city. Mostly minor problems such as potholes, signs being covered, etc. etc. but still important nonetheless. City officials monitor the site and put items in terms of priority on their list of to-do's.

I know I probably shouldn't post a site that's directly competing with, since Michelle and I run a group on there, but this is pretty cool since it's so focused on sports. Basically a place for people to organize drop in sports and activities, professionally or privately.'s 'Best Of...' Lists

We've done a few of these already (mainly in the food section, and it's nicely organized). You can see all of the favorites on a map, and the good thing about this site, is that it's voted by the people, not chosen according to any sort of personal taste or bias. Definitely a lifetime worth of stuff to try in the city that you probably didn't even know existed...

Anyway, I thought I'd kind of share my favourites as I find them, so expect more in the future....but for now, if you haven't explored those ones...check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this interesting list of websites. I will definitely try to go through them all. I love Best of lists and that website is going in my bookmarks.
    party space nyc
