Doors Open 2013: 3 Down...

I know - it's a bit late, and instead of writing about it - it'll be more of a photo montage. Doing some of the awesome choices they had for this year's Doors Open Toronto was on my 5 Things to do this spring post.

This year, with Michelle and some friends, I hit (photos to follow - in order):

  • Bridgepoint Health (which is actually just a tour of the Old Don Jail - but they advertised it as their administrative building, so it took a while for some people to catch on)
  • Lower Bay Subway Station (I've waited a couple years to finally go down here - and while it felt like a regular - albeit dated - station, it was cool to 'go where no man has gone before')
  • One King West (Went twice - but seeing all the old bank memorabilia was pretty cool. This used to be the home of the first Toronto Dominion Bank)
  • King Edward Hotel (Older than the Royal York, but not as well-kept. The real draw was the abandoned, and said to be haunted ballroom)
  • Commerce Court North (An unexpected stop)
  • Old & New City Hall (I'd been to the old hall before, but the new one was underwhelming)
  • Toronto Police Marine Unit
  • George Brown's new waterfront campus
  • RC Harris Water Treatment Plant (The most surprisingly cool - and also let me finally take the 501 all the way to the end of the line. So THAT'S where Neville Park loop is)
All in all - we saw a lot of the buildings I'd hoped to see. The first two were the most important to me. Next year - I think it'll be a bit hard to top these, but it might finally be time to start seeing some of the buildings that don't have the big appeal of the most popular spots.

Here are some photos...

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