5 things I miss about Toronto (that you wouldn't expect)

It's been 35 days since we were supposed to get the keys to our first home - and yet, I sit here, without Michelle, at my parents' place, still living out of a suitcase. Sure, we have cheques for thousands in compensation money, but at some point, it just isn't worth it. I could write a whole other blog on how we've spent our time, trying to stay mentally healthy (and will), but not this time.

This blog will be totally melodramatic reminiscing - so you've been warned to turn away now if you don't want to hear it. I could talk about the superior transit system, or the proximity to shopping and food, but those are the things I'm sure everyone expects - those are reasons I moved to the city in the first place. I've noticed though, that as the time passes, I begin to miss some of the things I never really even noticed while we WERE there, and I can't wait to get back to....

1. "You are my Density." I miss seeing strangers, and people. Any time of day or night, I could leave the apartment, and see people walking about their business (however shady it sometimes was). It was comforting in a sense, to know that there was always someone around if you needed it. Here (in Mississauga where I temporarily am), I've walked around a LOT, and barely see any other pedestrians. Sure there are exceptions - rush hour at major transit hubs are one of them, but in my parents' neighbourhood, I've seen more stray cats than people.

2. The News. I miss commuting every day and being given no choice but to pick up the free Metro newspaper that is stocked at every TTC station. I know that it's available in Mississauga too, but it's not littered all over the bus, so I ignore it. I feel like I'm so tuned out to Rob Ford's stupidity, that I'm starting to like the guy (there should be a sarcasm font style, beside the bold, italic, and underline buttons).

3. Cyclists. You might know that Michelle is indeed the cyclist in our relationship - I mean - she's hardcore. I ride once in a while, but strictly for leisure, so this might be surprising to you. I brought my bike to my parents' to ride if I needed it though, and I've been out on it twice. Both times, I saw zero other cyclists, and felt like no matter where I went, I was alone. Cars hated me (even more than they do in the city), and when I stopped in to shop somewhere, people thought I was poor because I didn't come in a car. I wrote a blog about the attitudes toward transit in the suburbs a while back, and the same can be said about using your bicycle for anything by fun.

4. The construction. That's right - the closed lanes, the slow progress, the orange signs. There's construction here too, but do you know when they do it? At 3 in the freakin' morning, so that they don't inconvenience drivers during rush hour.

5. Frugality. Oh, I'm still cheap and frugal while staying in Mississauga, but it's been a bit harder. First thing is that my parents live across the street from a Metro - and when I'm used to living across from a Food Basics, if you know anything about grocery stores, you know it's a pretty big difference. I know, I'm not doing many groceries, but I miss seeing the deals, and being able to know I'm getting the best price. 

Anyway, I'm sure there'll be more to miss, as the time drags on - but here's to knowing we'll be back in 'no time'. What would you miss if you were forced to leave?

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