A Hairy Situation: My Experience with Razor Clubs (so far)

If you know me - you know that I have a beard that can grow in, in a couple of days easily. I never really shaved fully until November of last year, when I decided to give it a go - and felt pretty fresh in doing so. It wasn't for Movember (although that's where it started), it just ended up sticking.

Anyway, fast forward to 2013 - when I saw this video:

The Dollar Shave Club seemed awesome - good marketing (which I enjoy), and good prices. If you buy razors, or refill cartridges - you know a good deal on these things when you see them. I was ready - SIGN ME UP! Well - that was until I found out that the Dollar Shave Club was American - and although they have a Canadian division - it's a bit pricier (but still a good deal). I decided before making the order though, that I'd look at alternatives.

The first (and only) other place I arrived was the Crazy Razor Club; it looked similar to the Dollar Shave Club, but homegrown Canadian (which was appealing, as a Canadian), and their prices were cheaper. I also really liked that they offered monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly subscriptions (with no commitment).

So - on March 24th - I placed my order...

March 24th - I started the beard growing...
I started growing my beard in anticipation - I spent my last dollars on expensive razors. Within a few days - my order was shipped (or so the website said so - on March 28th).

A week passed - I checked the mailbox every day. Nothing.

Another week. Nothing. Then another; still nothing. I was getting a little anxious, and decided to contact them - only to find that their website, and my order - had NO CONTACT NUMBER. So, it being my first follow up, I decided an email might be okay.

I sent a note asking about my order on the weekend of April 20th - and up until today (more than a week later), still nothing. So - a little annoyed (and still no customer service) I rattled off emails to every address I could find - and cancelled my subscription.

I figure - if I get my razors - I won't lose my 6 bucks - but at least they won't get any more money from me.

So now, I'll take my money over to the Dollar Shave Club - where I should get at the very least, better customer service. I don't mind if my razors get lost in the mail (well I do, but won't blame the company for this), but I at least expect some support.

So - my suggestion? Based solely on ZERO customer service - steer clear of the Crazy Razor Club...stick to the reputable folk...

0 thoughts: