Cheer up Toronto

I know - its been a rough morning for me too. I'm the biggest of big Leafs fan, and my heart was pumping out of its chest in anger with every Bruins goal.

...but, it's time to move on. 

Let's collectively move past it, avoiding all of the bandwagon jumpers and haters to realize what we all have as Torontonians to be happy about.

  • (Most importantly) the Leafs were back in the playoffs. They gave us something to cheer for, and if you would have told any knowledgeable hockey person (myself included) that the Leafs would push the Bruins to 7 games plus a period - they'd call you nuts (and did). Great season, great round of playoffs - terrible third period in game 7.
  • Rob Ford seems to be losing power in office. Council is taking back control of the city - and Ford is losing his allies. He first got overturned in the transit tax debate, and now now failed (with his brother) to squash a motion to modernize and change the way we vote for mayor. The best thing? Only 531 days until the end of Rob Ford's tenure as mayor.
  • It's a long weekend this weekend, and a short week next week because of it. So, buy your liquor and have an awesome weekend. If you didn't call in 'sad' today - you should definitely carry it over to the weekend.
  • The LCBO might go on strike. Hold up - that's not good news - but the fact that The Beer Store and all Wine stores will still be open, eases the pain a little bit. If you're a hard drinker, I'd stock up. You could also head to Mill Street's retail store to pick up what might end up being the only spirit in the city - their Bier Schnapps.
  • It's almost Burger Week. If you haven't heard of this wonderful event - the people at the Grid have banded together with dozens of Toronto restaurants to showcase $5 specialty burgers across the city. If you don't have time to check out all of these places individually - they'll all come together on the final day for a $30 all you can eat burger day at Wychwood Farms.
  • Summer weather is almost back, after a brief stopover in March weather.
  • Doors Open is next weekend - and they've brought in some pretty impressive sites this year. I don't want to advertise, at the risk of making it more busy, but Lower Bay subway station is pretty much a once in a lifetime visit.

  • Last, but not least...there's only 5 months until we see the Leafs again, back, and (I imagine) hungrier than ever.

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